The Return of the Blog

I know, it’s been awhile since we have blogged. Mostly, there really wasn’t enough time, with life and all, but also, I wanted to listen to some of the voices in the landscape. I wanted to read more, listen to podcast, talk to old friends, and enough the company of new ones. The last couple of years have been extremely hard on everyone in the world. Everyone had to alter how they live, from top to bottom. These times for some, was a windfall, others financial ruins, for everyone, the cost was extremely high, and just speaking about the pandemic.

For those of us who live in SWLa. it has been an indescribable, excruciatingly hard daily existence at times, as nothing is the same. Most of us only have to look look out from our windows to be constantly reminded of the two Storms, the Freeze, and that Flood. Many people have come and gone since that time, many generous with there time, money, and resources, many just wanted to help. We were blessed with people willing to help during the aftermath of the storms. There were also those who came in, as is what now seems to be a twist on the American way, and took advantage of people who least could afford any mistakes. I’m not here to debate any of the points people debate such as fault, personal responsibility, etc. That’s for people much smarter than I, the fact of the matter is that there has been much more talk then action. What’s a person to do if they are involved in litigation with the repair of their home? Cost more to bring it up to code than it’s insured for? Just a few of the many questions facing people in SWLa. The last couple of storm systems have given you a glimpses of what’s to come. We have many challenges facing us and must elect people who have everyone’s best interest in mind and will have us ready for the future.

In the future blogs we will write like did in past about things we think you are interested in and should know, until then nothing but love here. #LakecharlesStrong

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